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   HL2 DeathMatch Consortium: HLstatsX: Half-Life 2 Deathmatch: Clan Rankings: Clan Details

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server.pngServer Overview spacer.png player.pngPlayer Rankings spacer.png clan.pngClan Rankings spacer.png gun.pngWeapon Statistics spacer.png map.pngMap Statistics spacer.png spacer.pngVAC Cheater List
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 downarrow.png Clan Information
Statistics Summary
Clan Name: [S-UK] The SλNCTUλRY UK
Home Page: http://www.thesanctuaryuk.com
Number of Members: 62 (4)
Avg. Member Points: 15,200
Activity: 5.49% 5.49%
Total Kills: 954,165 (200)
Total Deaths: 682,138 (90)
Total Suicides: 37,352 (5)
Kills per Death: 1.40 (2.22)
Kills per Minute: 1.07 (0.52)
Total Connection Time: 621d 13:44:39h
Swear-o-meter: 4.55% 4.55%
Favorite Server:* The Sanctuary UK 1 - Custom Maps Only
Favorite Map:* dm_roman_sanctuary_mmxi
Favorite Weapon:* SHOTGUN
Weapon Killed by:* SMG1
Players Location

history.png History:  Awards [96] | Sessions | Rounds
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 downarrow.png Active Members
Rank Name Points Activity Time Kills Clan Kills % Deaths Kpd
1.  Netherlands[S-UK] Haplo 69,434 99.90% 47d 17:38:32h 115,259 12.08% 12.08% 51,667 2.2308
2.  United kingdom[S-UK] Electric Warrior 32,917 99.66% 27d 23:02:45h 13,039 1.37% 1.37% 4,408 2.958
3.  United kingdom[S-UK] AvidUK 16,220 99.59% 15d 22:17:50h 11,963 1.25% 1.25% 15,203 0.7869
4.  United kingdom[S-UK] MajaDamaj 47,075 99.49% 50d 00:02:30h 50,869 5.33% 5.33% 67,430 0.7544

 downarrow.png Session Activity (Last 7 Days)
Date sort-descending.png # Players Time Kills Deaths Suicides Kpd Hs HpK Accuracy
2024-11-21 4 0d 03:30:11h 200 90 5 2.22 0 0.00 0.0%

 downarrow.png Server Activity (Last 7 Days)
Rank Server Name Kills sort-descending.png Percent. of Kills % Deaths KpD Hs % of Headshots % Hpk [+]
1. The Sanctuary UK 1 - Custom Maps Only 130 65.00% 65.00% 66 1.97 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
2. The Sanctuary UK 2 - Castle & Roman Maps Only 70 35.00% 35.00% 24 2.92 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png

 downarrow.png Clan Trend (Last 30 Days)

 downarrow.png Team Selection (Last 7 Days)
Rank Team Joined sort-descending.png Percentage of Times %
1. Spectator 2 times 66.67% 66.67%
2. Unassigned 1 times 33.33% 33.33%

 downarrow.png Player Actions (Last 7 Days)
Rank Action Achieved sort-descending.png Points Bonus
1. Dominating 17 times 68
2. Rampage 12 times 72
3. Killing Spree 6 times 48
4. Monster Kill 3 times 30
5. Unstoppable 2 times 24
6. Ultra Kill 1 times 14
7. God Like 1 times 16
8. Wicked Sick 1 times 18
9. Ludicrous Kill 1 times 20
10. Holy Shit 1 times 40

 downarrow.png Bounty Hunter (Last 7 Days)
Rank Action Achieved sort-descending.png Points Bonus
1. Domination Hunter 6 times 24
2. Rampage Hunter 2 times 12
3. God Like Hunter 1 times 16
4. Killing Spree Hunter 1 times 8
5. Unstoppable Hunter 1 times 12

 downarrow.png Weapon Usage (Last 7 Days)
Rank Weapon Points Modifier Kills sort-descending.png Percentage of Kills % Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk [+]
1. SHOTGUN 3.00 57 28.50% 28.50% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
2. CROSSBOW_BOLT 9.00 38 19.00% 19.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
3. GRENADE_FRAG 10.00 25 12.50% 12.50% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
4. 357 6.00 21 10.50% 10.50% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
5. CROWBAR 50.00 20 10.00% 10.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
6. AR2 1.00 11 5.50% 5.50% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
7. PHYSICS 14.00 10 5.00% 5.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
8. COMBINE_BALL 5.00 10 5.00% 5.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
9. SMG1 0.50 4 2.00% 2.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
10. SMG1_GRENADE 4.00 2 1.00% 1.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
11. PHYSBOX 14.00 2 1.00% 1.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png

 downarrow.png Weapons Killed by (Last 7 Days)
Rank Weapon Points Modifier Deaths sort-descending.png % of Deaths % Headshots [+]
1. SMG1 0.50 23 25.56% 25.56% 0  details.png
2. CROSSBOW_BOLT 9.00 14 15.56% 15.56% 0  details.png
3. SHOTGUN 3.00 13 14.44% 14.44% 0  details.png
4. 357 6.00 12 13.33% 13.33% 0  details.png
5. GRENADE_FRAG 10.00 8 8.89% 8.89% 0  details.png
6. AR2 1.00 7 7.78% 7.78% 0  details.png
7. SMG1_GRENADE 4.00 6 6.67% 6.67% 0  details.png
8. COMBINE_BALL 5.00 3 3.33% 3.33% 0  details.png
9. RPG_MISSILE 0.25 2 2.22% 2.22% 0  details.png
10. PISTOL 8.00 1 1.11% 1.11% 0  details.png
11. CROWBAR 50.00 1 1.11% 1.11% 0  details.png
 downarrow.png Weapons Suicided with (Last 7 Days)
Rank Weapon Suicides sort-descending.png % of Suicides % [+]
1. WORLD 3 60.00% 60.00%  details.png
2. PHYSICS 1 20.00% 20.00%  details.png
3. GRENADE_FRAG 1 20.00% 20.00%  details.png

 downarrow.png Map Performance (Last 7 Days)
Rank Map Name Kills sort-descending.png Percentage of Kills % Deaths Kills per Death Headshots % of Headshots % Hpk [+]
1. dm_roman_sanctuary_mmxi 70 35.00% 35.00% 24 2.92 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
2. dm_milieu_final 50 25.00% 25.00% 13 3.85 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
3. dm_airfusion_final 50 25.00% 25.00% 22 2.27 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
4. dm_mexicana 23 11.50% 11.50% 8 2.88 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
5. dm_lostarena 4 2.00% 2.00% 12 0.33 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png
6. dm_Sanctuary_Reloaded 3 1.50% 1.50% 11 0.27 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00  details.png

 downarrow.png Inactive Members
Rank Name Points Activity Time Kills sort-descending.png Clan Kills % Deaths Kpd
1.  United kingdom[S-UK] SqUiDd3rS [=CCG=] 40,040 -1.00% 93d 17:29:14h 208,805 21.88% 21.88% 111,821 1.8673
2.  Switzerland[S-UK] Al Urdunn 22,776 -1.00% 38d 11:58:09h 85,966 9.01% 9.01% 49,854 1.7244
3.  United kingdom[S-UK] JinglyOnE 49,432 -1.00% 43d 01:31:20h 69,301 7.26% 7.26% 43,625 1.5886
4.  United kingdom[S-UK] Hawkmoon 18,207 -1.00% 39d 03:32:56h 63,534 6.66% 6.66% 42,441 1.497
5.  United kingdom[S-UK] Spintronics 23,446 -1.00% 39d 01:04:10h 56,462 5.92% 5.92% 45,829 1.232
6.  United kingdom[S-UK] Mr Useless 15,611 -1.00% 31d 23:03:33h 49,633 5.20% 5.20% 56,130 0.8843
7.  Portugal[S-UK] Powerpuffboy.pt 84,671 -1.00% 22d 21:51:43h 43,202 4.53% 4.53% 20,216 2.137
8.  United kingdom[S-UK]ScOObyDooD 12,612 -1.00% 13d 23:43:41h 26,891 2.82% 2.82% 21,550 1.2478
9.  United kingdom[S-UK]sutty1 26,466 -1.00% 20d 04:34:08h 18,504 1.94% 1.94% 16,445 1.1252
10.  Spain[S-UK] blackair 9,334 -1.00% 11d 04:51:59h 13,566 1.42% 1.42% 13,780 0.9845
11.  United kingdom[S-UK] Takendown 27,519 -1.00% 6d 13:51:57h 13,541 1.42% 1.42% 12,385 1.0933
12.  United kingdom[S-UK] Muz 14,420 -1.00% 10d 10:54:09h 11,102 1.16% 1.16% 8,768 1.2662
13.  United kingdom[S-UK]CymroGwyllt 14,913 -1.00% 6d 00:17:07h 10,430 1.09% 1.09% 6,203 1.6814
14.  Germany[S-UK] Scaramanga 17,953 -1.00% 5d 05:55:55h 10,320 1.08% 1.08% 9,046 1.1408
15.  United kingdom[S-UK] Photomanic 23,694 -1.00% 6d 09:27:53h 10,037 1.05% 1.05% 6,565 1.5289
16.  United kingdom[S-UK] Freddie 13,027 -1.00% 5d 22:38:49h 8,776 0.92% 0.92% 7,533 1.165
17.  United kingdom[S-UK] Barney 12,553 -1.00% 8d 03:18:37h 7,249 0.76% 0.76% 11,010 0.6584
18.  United kingdom[S-UK]dilbert_halflife 6,691 -1.00% 10d 22:26:28h 6,624 0.69% 0.69% 7,283 0.9095
19.  United kingdom[S-UK] boshed 19,120 -1.00% 4d 07:13:08h 5,990 0.63% 0.63% 2,827 2.1189
20.  Denmark[S-UK] Kelben B. 9,204 -1.00% 8d 00:34:44h 4,216 0.44% 0.44% 7,144 0.5901
21.  Canada[S-UK] Prospero 11,072 -1.00% 1d 04:58:38h 4,164 0.44% 0.44% 2,919 1.4265
22.  United kingdom[S-UK] Captain Hornet 15,601 -1.00% 4d 11:57:33h 3,836 0.40% 0.40% 4,185 0.9166
23.  United kingdom[S-UK] D4rkr34per 13,952 -1.00% 2d 06:13:40h 3,742 0.39% 0.39% 4,188 0.8935
24.  United kingdom[S-UK] *mnipre$ent 9,538 -1.00% 2d 14:00:35h 2,715 0.28% 0.28% 3,592 0.7558
25.  United kingdom[S-UK] MORKY 11,933 -1.00% 10d 07:59:39h 2,244 0.24% 0.24% 4,083 0.5496
26.  United kingdom[S-UK] Bamboo 16,339 -1.00% 1d 05:24:54h 2,182 0.23% 0.23% 1,645 1.3264
27.  United states[S-UK] Weatherman Underground 20,701 -1.00% 4d 17:41:16h 2,118 0.22% 0.22% 2,603 0.8137
28.  United kingdom[S-UK] Grandma 15,116 -1.00% 4d 12:21:37h 1,686 0.18% 0.18% 2,227 0.7571
29.  United kingdom[S-UK] DippleCrick 2.0 12,258 -1.00% 2d 00:48:42h 1,685 0.18% 0.18% 1,308 1.2882
30.  United kingdom[S-UK] dog 8,350 -1.00% 1d 20:59:21h 1,638 0.17% 0.17% 1,009 1.6234
31.  United kingdom[S-UK] Jimbo 15,625 -1.00% 0d 21:08:34h 1,602 0.17% 0.17% 979 1.6364
32.  Netherlands[S-UK] Gates 9,934 -1.00% 1d 10:40:55h 1,524 0.16% 0.16% 2,077 0.7338
33.  United kingdom[S-UK] oi you 14,805 -1.00% 2d 00:35:26h 1,375 0.14% 0.14% 1,421 0.9676
34.  United kingdom[S-UK] Snakebite 7,293 -1.00% 3d 21:20:01h 1,261 0.13% 0.13% 2,029 0.6215
35.  United kingdom[S-UK]Donaldo 8,385 -1.00% 1d 08:21:40h 1,258 0.13% 0.13% 975 1.2903
36.  United kingdom[S-UK]Pesty 10,446 -1.00% 0d 10:32:12h 776 0.08% 0.08% 606 1.2805
37.  France[S-UK] cedric 7,650 -1.00% 1d 11:54:36h 669 0.07% 0.07% 1,087 0.6155
38.  Ireland[S-UK] Seti.Mayo 13,077 -1.00% 2d 01:04:24h 641 0.07% 0.07% 1,025 0.6254
39.  New zealand[S-UK] Taxythingy 9,286 -1.00% 0d 20:22:56h 583 0.06% 0.06% 761 0.7661
40.  Iceland[S-UK] Omnicore 10,735 -1.00% 0d 14:08:24h 580 0.06% 0.06% 835 0.6946
41.  United kingdom[S-UK] itstimmeh 5,131 -1.00% 0d 22:12:43h 502 0.05% 0.05% 848 0.592
42.  Finland[S-UK] Dream! 12,343 -1.00% 0d 14:54:03h 458 0.05% 0.05% 294 1.5578
43.  United kingdom[S-UK] Lonewolf 10,519 -1.00% 0d 12:59:19h 446 0.05% 0.05% 663 0.6727
44.  United kingdom[S-UK] Reapz 11,988 -1.00% 0d 13:56:07h 422 0.04% 0.04% 322 1.3106
45.  Australia[S-UK] General Disarray 5,078 -1.00% 0d 03:25:23h 271 0.03% 0.03% 328 0.8262
46.  United kingdom[S-UK]scouserocker 2,532 -1.00% 0d 06:38:05h 136 0.01% 0.01% 413 0.3293
47.  United kingdom[S-UK] wellibob 5,700 -1.00% 0d 06:08:52h 127 0.01% 0.01% 99 1.2828
48.  United kingdom[S-UK] BiggusDickus 2,305 -1.00% 0d 01:40:54h 83 0.01% 0.01% 97 0.8557
49.  United kingdom[S-UK]SPITTY 9000 4,060 -1.00% 0d 02:24:21h 75 0.01% 0.01% 123 0.6098
50.  United kingdom[S-UK] Wolf 1,756 -1.00% 0d 05:05:08h 33 0.00% 0.00% 106 0.3113
51.  United kingdom[S-UK] EternalIntertia 3,214 -1.00% 0d 01:27:18h 26 0.00% 0.00% 39 0.6667
52.  United kingdom[S-UK] ADB 1,436 -1.00% 0d 00:18:29h 8 0.00% 0.00% 24 0.3333
53.  United kingdom[S-UK] Puhnkss 1,079 -1.00% 0d 00:59:45h 7 0.00% 0.00% 27 0.2593
54.  United kingdom[S-UK]Major.Pain 1,522 -1.00% 0d 00:49:50h 6 0.00% 0.00% 6 1
55.  United kingdom[S-UK] Spadger 1,102 -1.00% 0d 00:08:06h 4 0.00% 0.00% 21 0.1905
56.  France[S-UK] Alex_The_Frenchy 1,207 -1.00% 0d 00:08:36h 3 0.00% 0.00% 3 1
57.  United kingdom[S-UK] daddyb 1,000 -1.00% 0d 00:04:13h 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0
58.  United kingdom[S-UK] Major Lee Fuggdoff 978 -1.00% 0d 00:27:07h 0 0.00% 0.00% 8 0

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